for Students
Creating an account
Go to
Click on the Sign Up button.
Choose Student and complete the registration form.
When you submit the form, you will see instructions to check your email for a message from Gradescope. Click on the link in the email to set a gradescope password. Once you do it, your account is set up.
Course Access
Once you are logged in to Gradescope, you will see a dashboard with the course (or courses) you are registered in. If you have an entry code for a course which is not on the dashboard, click on Add Course, and enter the entry code.
Assignment submission
On the Gradescope dashboard, click on the course for which you want to submit an assignment. This will bring you to a page with a list of current and past assignments for this course. Click on the assignment you want to submit. In the window that will show up click Submit PDF.
2. Upload a PDF file with your assignment. You can upload only one file which must include all assignment pages. See instructions how to produce a PDF file from paper pages using a smartphone.
3. When the upload is complete, you will see a web page with pages of the PDF file. You can zoom in on the pages, rotate, and reorder them.
4. On the left hand side you will see the Question Outline. Click on each part of the assignment listed in the outline, and select pages of your PDF which contain an answer to that part. Any combination of pages is allowed. For example, if you have answers to two parts of the assignment on one page, you can select the same page for both parts. If you don't have an answer to some part, don't select anything for it - when you will attempt to submit your assignment you will get a warning message, but you will be able to submit anyway.
5. When you are done, click on the Submit button in the lower right corner.
6. Once you submit your assignment, you will be taken to a page where you can see your submission. Check that everything looks fine. In case of problems, use buttons at the bottom of the page to correct them. The button Reselect Pages lets you select again which page corresponds to which part of the assignment. The button Resubmit lets you upload a new PDF file.
View graded assignments
To check your assignment score, log in to Gradescope and click on a course tile. This will bring you to a page with a list of assignments for this course. Assignments which have been already graded will show your score in the Status column. Click on the assignment to see the score for each assignment part, and grader's comments.